Friday, December 9, 2011


hari nie takda aktiviti langsung...
bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan..
semalam pergi sekolah pulang buku teksss...
fuyooo,,,gua rindu sekolahh..
dulu beriye doa cepat habis exam,,
sekarang gedik nak rindu sekolah apahal  HAHA
sumpah gua rindu kelas BI dengan sir taufikk..
madah gelakk je hari-hari...
yeah,,esok nak pergi rumh cikgu nora..
selamat pengantin baruuu cikguuu..
so sweett...
sayang sangat tak dapat nak tengok cikgu nikah hari niee..
must be great kan..
never mind esok masih ada..HAHAHA
see you there cikgu,,wait for me.. =D

semalam i tengok wall seseorang..
oh damn,,,so sweet lah mereka...
i really hope that the girl was me..
but i noe that it wont happenn
lucky girl..
i realised that i am not as pretty as her..
she juz almost perfect . .
and both the gurl and the boy were meant for each other..
k dah bye..

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